Nanna and Ningal

The myth of "Nanna" and "Ningal" is a love story that describes how the moon god Nanna meets and marries the dream interpreter Ningal. Nanna and Ningal become the parents of the goddess Inanna and the god Utu.

The myth is set around 4300 BCE, when Eridu was already an old settlement but not yet a large city.

Most of the clay tablets containing this myth date from the Old Babylonian period, i.e. from around 2000 to 1600 BCE.

Visual representation of the myth 'Nanna and Ningal'. The image captures their tender, romantic meeting amidst the swamps near Eridu, with the prominent moon casting a gentle glow on the couple.


Characterization of Nanna

When Nanna, the Moon, the firstborn son of Enlil and Ninlil, the lord of air and the lady of air, appeared in the sky, he, the young lord who was the shining torch of An, by ever renewing himself and illuminating the primeval darkness, brought along time, the cosmic measure that enables the contemplation of eternity through the small and great facts that shape up our lives’ lows and highs with meaning.

For as Nanna moved slowly across the night sky, shifting from waxing to waning glow, opening the gates of heaven to let days, months and years come and go, returning again and again, the heartbeat of life synchronized in perfect harmony with the glow of the moon: the tides, the coming of the spring tides to renew the land, the growth of the reeds, the inhaling and exhaling of all greenery, the abundance of milk, cheese and cream, and above all, the sacred blood of womanhood.

Nanna, the moon, was both young and old at the same time and brought peace to the land and the living, to dreams and the wildest fantasies. Loved by some, feared by others, Nanna's radiance made everything equally far and near, close and yet mysteriously distant. His was a strangeness both intimate and frightening, for his coming brought either sweet dreams or eerie, challenging nightmares that played during sleep. But if one willed it, Nanna also gave the diligent student of soul mysteries alertness and enlightenment.

Characterization of Ningal

One of such kind was a young Anunnaki girl named Ningal. The young Ningal lived in the swamps near the ancient settlement of Eridu, the beloved daughter of Ningikuga, the goddess of reeds, and Enki, the god of magic, craft and wisdom.

The slender, black-haired Ningal, with eyes darker than a moonless night, was only outwardly calm, for inwardly she possessed a deep, sensual, vibrant intensity and a gift for revealing the language of the unknown, revealed in images, ancient legends, poems and, above all, dreams. She was spontaneous by nature and yet reserved in many ways. Dream interpretation was her gift, and it was not an easy talent to have or share. This is because a dream expresses in images the inner fabric of life through symbolic imagery, as well as the invisible backside of the outer fabric of life.

Ningal had learned that in order to find the true meaning of a dream, it was necessary to keep a balance between the outer images she received, to find out whether or not they were part of the memory of the land since the beginning of time, to examine whether the images came from the unknown or the known, and finally to examine her inner perception of these images so that the right clues for healing and wholeness could be found inside and outside the dream. Also, the insights of dream divining brought both laughter and tears when knowledge flared up to the highest heights or descended like a shooting star to the deepest depths. Deep down, however, Ningal knew that, despite the tears, she could not bear not to know. And that perhaps wisdom for her meant the smile beyond the tears.

Ningal longs for Nanna

Ever since Ningal can remember, she followed Nanna's path in the night sky in the magical world of the swamps, where islands jutted out of the deep blue water, lined with date and palm trees. She felt a sense of wonder, awe and mystery when she saw the glow of the moon reflecting on the water and felt in her body, in her mood swings and in her soul the full effect of the passage of the silver lord.

Mother Ningikuga nodded, but did not say a word. She, the wise goddess of the reeds, ruler of the swamps, Enki's dear friend (lover) and the diligent weaver who had brought mankind the art of weaving reeds for the first furrows and temples of the land, knew what the girl's natural shyness could not and would not yet reveal: Ningal had fallen in love with Nanna. So Ningikuga watched over Ningal and respected the girl's silence. Soon, Enki's wise friend knew, Ningal would attain her full power as a woman and young goddess of the Holy House. Then she would be able to fulfill her heart's desire and sing him a wedding song. Wedding songs told of a girl's longing for her beloved, of her desire to meet him again and again, and of the anticipation of the sexual pleasures of the sacred wedding rites. Ningikuga knew that Ningal would soon come into her power. Then she would know who she would choose, and she would announce her choice in a love song. But would it be Nanna? The moon had to go through another full cycle through the seasons before Ningal would find her voice to address her beloved for the first time.

Ningal's love song

Then, one night, as Nanna appeared in the sky, heralding the beginning of spring, Ningal felt that she could finally sing her heart's song aloud to Nanna. Would he accept her? She didn't know, but she was determined to find out! With a growing sense of wonder, Ningal realized that she longed, but did not hurt for Nanna. Knowing her dreams as she did, Nanna was the deepest longing of her soul, but would he also be the true joy of her waking hours, the true companion to the mysteries of life? She knew, however, that he had the potential to be her mate.

For as a lion wants only his lioness, as a tiger lies down only with his tigress, so Ningal knew that she longed to make Nanna's arms her nest, if only he would give himself to her sweet and fierce caress. So Ningal sang:

"Hail Nanna, listen to Ningal. Hail Nanna, listen to your soul. Welcome please be to my company. O light that unfolds such a wonderful world, you are the hand that fits my glove, the needle to my thread, the very best friend. Welcome, lord of my longing, candle of my fire, torchbearer of my soul."

Nanna reveals himself

That very night, at the beginning of spring, Nanna looked down into the marshes and heard Ningal's song, saw her face raised to the night sky, smiling at him and wooing him. The moon prince shuddered with realization, surprise and heartfelt joy. For as long as he could remember, a maiden had been the silent companion of his nocturnal travels and had always returned. Her enigmatic dark eyes and beauty, both cultured and wild and untamed, had haunted him and challenged him with unspoken questions and promises. He saw Ningal, he loved her more than anything. The longing for the young goddess was so great that the moon lord came impetuously to earth to ask her:

"Ningal, silent companion of my wandering soul, the hours of the night pass quickly, and soon I will disappear, only to return tonight. But before I go, I beg you my lady to hear a most humble request from the one and only who wants to be your lover and friend, the very best.

Lady of my heart, sister without equal, now that I have found you, now that I have met you, now that I know after so long searching that you are my best dream come true, my blood sings, my heart leaps, my head spins for all that you mean. I can't wait to hold you in my arms and share all the joys for body, mind and soul!

So if you truly love me, Ningal, as I surely love you, then please come to me tomorrow in the swamps, beloved of my heart. Do not be afraid of the darkness, for my light will guide you, beloved. Nothing will hurt you, but to protect you completely, cut reeds as leg wraps against the sharp edges. I will gather birds' eggs for us to eat, and we will wash our hands in the silver waters of the marsh.

O my sweet lady, why wait for the right time to meet, why wait so long for the wedding rites? Beloved, come to me, but in secret so as not to upset our families. If you really love me as I love you, then come to me tomorrow and we will make our wildest dreams come true."

Surprised, but completely overwhelmed by the sheer joy, Ningal didn't think twice:

"Just as you come to me today, beloved, I will surely come to you tonight. You are truly the desire of my heart, I cannot refuse the invitation. O my sweet Lord, I too have dreamed of you for so long! So why should we wait for the right time to meet, why should we wait for the wedding day when so much joy is in store for us?"

Ningal keeps it from her mother

So Ningal, trusting in the power of his great love, did as Nanna had said: she did not say a word to her mother Ningikuga about having met the young moon prince. In fact, Nanna was right: it would otherwise take much longer for both to be together in unsupervised company. After the rites, not only the young people in love, but also the two families should meet, make up and exchange suitable gifts. So Ningal spent the day making the most joyful preparations. She bathed herself and anointed herself for Nanna the Moon. Mother Ningikuga's eyes followed the rituals with curiosity. Ningikuga raised an eyebrow and opened her mouth to ask a few questions, but didn't say a word in the end.

Ningal wondered:

"Does she know that something has changed? Perhaps she knows, but I will not tell her. Mother is so correct and loves the patterned, well-woven customs that she will not allow me to meet Nanna tonight. Nor tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow, without following the sacred customs. This means that we will not have the opportunity to be officially introduced until the next festival. And the next festival is still weeks away! I'm sorry, mother, but this time it's my life and I'll have the last word!"

Nanna and Ningal meet

When she left the reed house that night, Ningal shone as brightly as the full moon. And as bright as the full moon came Nanna, as loving and respectful as the future king wooing the high priestess of the land. They met in secret, but made love in the open, over and over again, all through the holy night, and even longer. Night after night during those fourteen days, until the time came when Nanna left to light up the netherworld, the Lord of the Moon and the Lady of Dream Interpretation met and made sweet and wild love. Then came the last night before Nanna was to return to the netherworld to light up the depths of the earth. After they had celebrated their love in joy and reverence, Nanna kissed Ningal and held her close, whispering into her hair the acknowledgment of the longing of his young lover’s soul:

"Marry me, Ningal, inner torch of my life that fills my darkest night with light..."

Such great joy filled Ningal's heart, but Nanna's radiance quickly faded in the middleworld. Ningal knew, however, that he shone brightly in the depths below her and in her soul. She replied:

"When you come back, my dear, we will talk about it."

The Anunnaki confer

But in the heights above the earth and in the depths below the earth, the great gods knew of the secret love between Nanna and Ningal. The great gods, who know everything, approved of the young lovers' choice, but were puzzled by their interest in keeping secret a joy that should not be hidden. And then there was Nanna's impetuousness when he lured Ningal into the swamps without her parents' consent. Somehow, Nanna's enthusiasm had to be put on a hold before he made his intentions towards Ningal honorable and clear not only to her, but to all Anunnaki. The great gods, the Anunnaki, were the guardians of the land, the protectors of order and balance, the spiritual sustenance for all living things. And love, the life force, formed the basis of civilization: it should therefore be protected, cherished and nurtured in all worlds. Youth was no excuse for irresponsibility in love.

Nanna asks for Ningal's hand in marriage

This time the darkness lasted longer, as the clouds filled the night and obscured Nanna's new moon glow. Was this perhaps the way the great gods had found to get the impetuous Nanna to come out and reveal his love for Ningal to everyone? In the swamps, Ningal gazed impatiently at the night sky, but had to keep her heart's desire a secret. She knew that Nanna was out there behind the dark, heavy clouds and practiced patience to wait for his return.

A first, a second, a third moonless night passed since the new moon. Nanna was indeed nowhere to be seen, shrouded in heavy clouds. Then a hooded traveler came into the swamp, to Ningikuga and Ningal's reed house. When the stranger crossed the threshold and greeted her and her mother politely like a prince, Ningal knew with a lover's intuition who he was: Nanna in disguise. Her heart leapt in joyful anticipation, but because of the secret pact they had sworn not to reveal their love to anyone, she didn't say a word and waited for the pattern to unfold.

After he, Nanna, had accepted the food and drink from the table, the traveler told Ningal and Ningikuga about all the delicious dairy products he had carefully reserved for the one and only chosen of his heart, if only she would meet him in the swamps later that night. Ningal felt her face grow hot, and her eyes searched for Ningikuga's. Ningal asked herself silently:

"Am I seeing correctly that mother has laughing eyes tonight? The way mother is looking at him, the questions she's asking Nanna, I mean, the traveler..."

Suddenly Ningal understood everything and her face grew even hotter. There was nothing that happened in all the worlds that the great gods could not know. They knew about Nanna and her. Ningal realized:

"O Nanna, we were such fools. But I will not go into the swamps and hide what can no longer be hidden..."

Aloud she said to the traveler and found a new strength in her love, a new confidence in her full power as a woman and a goddess:

"If you were Nanna, the moon god, the chosen one of my heart and companion of my soul, I would not go into the swamps with you tonight. Only when the lord of the moon has filled the rivers with the first flood to bring fertility to the land and the people, when he lets grain grow in the fields and new fish in the swamps, old and new reeds in the reed belts, deer in the forest, plants in the desert, honey and wine in the orchards and long life in the palace. Then, and only then, would I move from the swamps to the moon palace of Ur at the right time and season. I would share Nanna's bed and be his sovereign, goddess and queen..."

A charged silence followed Ningal's statement. With her attention focused entirely on the hooded traveler, Ningal did not see the approving smile that shone like a beacon on Ningikuga's face, nor the raised eyebrow she directed at Ningal. How would the impetuous moon lord react to Ningal's words?

Nanna regained his composure, giggled and bowed deeply to the two ladies, addressing Ningal first:

"May your beloved have heeded your wise words, daughter of the holy house, first and foremost in the moon god's soul. You are truly the future lady of Ur..."

Then he turned to Ningikuga:

"I thank you, great lady, for your hospitality. And forgive me for any harm my impetuosity has caused..."

Ningikuga's composure and humor were a feast for the eyes.

"The daughters and sons of An are all my own as well."

She said very softly and raised her hand in blessing.

"I wish you luck, stranger, in wooing your lady. With the experience and care of a mother, I say to you, young sir, love her dearly, treat her as your equal. And when the time has come for the sacred wedding festivities, share your joy and hers with all creation. And... don't forget to send me an appropriate invitation for the festivities."

Two young faces were as pleased as they were embarrassed as Ningikuga retired in style to her private chambers.

Nanna and Ningal get married

So the lady of dreams bound the impetuous torch of the night in love. They married in Ur, at the end of spring, when the first fruits and dairy products of the land were ready for the tables of gods and men. No longer alone, the moon lord and his beloved wife sailed to Nippur to visit Enlil and Ninlil, Nanna's parents. The Moon Lord and Ningal loaded the boat with the first fruits of the season and the dairy products of the year. At each quay of each city they passed, Nanna and Ningal gave and received gifts from the city guards of the temple seats they visited. But Nanna received the greatest gift of all from the lady of his dreams:

"Nanna, wondrous torch that blesses my life, I now carry your seeds within me, our children of brightness. First I will give birth to a girl. I call her Inanna, the first daughter of the moon, the morning and evening star, who will be the great goddess of love and war, lover and beloved in one. Wise, passionate, sensual, she will be all that and more. She will be the embodiment of love, both spiritual and highly physical, the inner light that brings brightness, passion, healing and fertility to all living in all worlds. And to give our future daughter a brother, he shall be a child of equal outer brightness. I will name him Utu, the sun, the light of day, which will illuminate all worlds with clarity while you, my dear, are away. Thus shall it be known that the light of the night and the diviner of dreams have called into being the brightest celestial stars to ensoul the lives of all gods and men. And as I will, so shall it be."


The myth is a love story that needs no further interpretation.