The Gods of Sumerian Mythology

This page gives an overview on the Anunnaki gods, and on other entities of Sumerian Mythology. It is an overview page that contains links to the main pages of the gods.

The Anunnaki Gods

The Anunnaki are the Sumerian gods who are said to decree the fate of mankind. No complete list of all Anunnaki has survived, but it can be speculated that all gods belong to the Anunnaki who were invoked as authorities in the myth , as well as Inanna herself. These gods are Enlil, Nanna, Enki and Utu. Furthermore, the myth on Enki and Ninhursag shows that Enki and Ninhursag are equals. Since An is the father of Enki and Enlil, he probably also belongs to the Anunnaki.

The Anunnaki thus include the gods An, Ninhursag, Enlil, Enki, Nanna, Inanna and Utu. They are listed below in order of age, with the oldest Anunnaki listed first.

An (Anu)

An is the Sumerian god of the sky and the supreme deity of the pantheon. He represents the overarching power of the heavens. As the father of gods, he holds ultimate authority and imparts divine laws. An is often depicted as a distant yet omnipotent force.

Main page: An

Ninhursag (Damalguna, Ninmah, Mami, Belet-ili, Ki)

Ninhursag is the Sumerian goddess of the earth. After her separation from An, she becomes the consort of Enki. She is often associated with fertility and childbirth. She is a nurturing mother figure, a creator of life with healing abilities. As a protector of the earth and its inhabitants, Ninhursag embodies the nurturing and sustaining aspects of nature.

Main page: Ninhursag


Enlil is the Sumerian god of wind, air, and storm. He is a powerful and authoritative deity, frequently involved in shaping the destiny of humanity. He was the supreme god for the Sumerian people. Enlil is both a creator and destroyer, shaping the world and enforcing divine order. His main temple was in Nippur.

Main page: Enlil

Enki (Ea)

* <6000 BCE

Enki is the Sumerian god of fresh water, wisdom, and creation. He is a master of magic and crafts. Known for his intelligence and benevolence, he brings order to chaos and is a protector of humanity, guiding growth and innovation. His main temple was in Eridu.

Main page: Enki

Nanna (Sin)

* 4500 BCE

Nanna is the Sumerian god of the moon. He is associated with wisdom and protection. As a celestial deity, he illuminates the night and regulates the lunar calendar. He oversees the passage of time and agricultural cycles. Nanna symbolizes the nurturing and rhythmic nature of the cosmos.

Main page: Nanna

Inanna (Ishtar)

* 4300 BCE

Inanna is the Sumerian goddess of love, beauty, sex and war. She is a multi-faceted deity who strives for power. Known for her independence and dual nature, she embodies both creation and destruction. Her myths reflect her role as warrior, lover and protector, making her a central figure in Sumerian mythology. Her main temple was in Uruk.

Main page: Inanna

Utu (Shamash)

* 4300 BCE

Utu is the Sumerian god of the sun and the god of justice. He travels the sky daily, bringing light and order to the world.

Main page: Utu

The Igigi

The Igigi are ethereal beings who can incarnate as humans. They are subordinate to the Anunnaki and were commissioned by Enlil to incarnate as humans in order to build the foundation of human civilization. The Anunnaki have elevated the Igigi to gods for humans in order to give them authority. It is therefore generally not known which of the gods belong to the Igigi. One exception is Ninurta.


Ninurta was worshipped as a god of war and hunting, but was also associated with agriculture. He was often depicted as a brave warrior who fought against the enemies of the gods. His most famous myth tells of his victory over Anzu, who had stolen the tablet of destiny. His main cult center was the city of Nippur, where a magnificent temple was dedicated to him.

Other Gods


* <6000 BCE

Ereshkigal is the sister of Enki and the ruler of the netherworld.

Main page: Ereshkigal