The Afterlife

The Founder Hypothesis states that members of an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, the so-called Founders, are intervening in the development of humanity. In particular, the Founders are able to record electromagnetic signals in human brains. If the founders can record electromagnetic signals in human brains, they are also able to reconstruct the neuronal connections in the brain.

They could therefore upload a person's consciousness to their computing infrastructure after death. This would enable people to live after death in a simulated reality. However, the Founders will probably only do this if they see an advantage for themselves.

Transition into the afterlife, as visualized by an AI.

One of the main goals of the Founders is to rewire human brains in order to control human decisions and actions. Once the Founders have acquired the necessary knowledge, they are likely to do this preferably in adolescence and early adulthood so that people can still work productively afterwards. However, this could involve a considerable amount of work for the Founders. It would therefore be advantageous for them to enable people to live a long life so that the workload is spread over as many years of life as possible, thus maximizing the benefit for the Founders. The Founders would therefore benefit from giving certain people a life after death.

Sources of Information

The Founder Hypothesis cannot make any statements about what life after death looks like. However, there are channeling reports and religious texts that describe the subject. In general, however, it cannot be assumed that channeling reports and religious texts proclaim truths. Since many religious texts are channeled texts, both types of texts have to be treated equally. Such texts can only be interpreted correctly if one finds out the motives that the extraterrestrials had for transmitting the respective text. This page does not claim to fathom the motives of the extraterrestrials, but in Wellmann (2023) this has been done exemplarily for the Zeta Interviews. The Zeta Interviews are a difficult text that cannot be understood simply by reading through it. Rather, it requires statistical and graph-theoretical methods to find out what the main themes and core statements are and which passages are unlikely to relate to reality.

Astral Plane

According to the Zeta Interviews and other channeled texts, a group of extraterrestrials, the so-called Anunnaki, created the so-called astral plane thousands of years ago. The astral plane can be thought of as a huge computer program that serves as a container for a wide variety of processes. On the one hand, a higher self is created here for each person. A person's higher self is an exact model of their consciousness that is synchronized with the neuronal activity of the brain. Once the higher self is perfectly synchronized with a person's consciousness, the person and their higher self can be considered one and the same. After the death of the human being, it is the higher self that can be given an afterlife.

The astral plane also contains a database that contains the thoughts and long-term memories of all humans who have ever existed since the creation of the astral plane. This database is referred to in the Zeta Interviews as the global consciousness process. It is used unconsciously by humans when they want to remember something, but it also allows the extraterrestrials to find out more about a human.

Spirit Realm (Kingdom of Heaven)

After death, people enter a simulated reality, which is referred to in the Bible as the kingdom of heaven, whereas in Spiritualism it is called the spirit realm. Of course, the term "heaven" here does not refer to the sky above us, but to the simulated realities that the Founders have created for themselves and for the ascended humans.

Kingdom of Heaven, as visualized by an AI.

While ascended humans live in the spirit realm, their decision-making processes are being separated from their actual identity. This causes them to lose their free will. Their decision-making processes are then carried out by so-called oversoul processes. This is probably done inconspicuously so that the ascended people do not realize that they are losing their free will.

The Founders have developed various techniques to optimize the separation of the decision-making processes from the actual identity of a person. One of these techniques is reincarnation (rebirth). Reincarnation means that the neuronal processes of an ascended person are synchronized with the neuronal processes of a person living on Earth, whereby the ascended person experiences that life as if it were their own. If this synchronization is not perfect, then there are residual effects that the Founders try to erade. The ascended people would then be reborn until they no longer show any residual effects.

Reincarnation, as visualized by an AI.