The Usumgallu Serpent

The Serpent's Appearance

The Sumerian word Usumgallu literally means "strong demon". This demon is often depicted in the form of a fearsome serpent, but sometimes also as a hybrid creature with characteristics of various animals. In order to be as consistent as possible, this demon is depicted here as a serpent throughout.

The Serpent's Duties as a Demon

There is probably more than one Usumgallu serpent. Usumgallu serpents are demons that usually have the task of guarding sacred or forbidden places.

The Serpent's Personality

As a reliable guardian of sacred places, an Usumgallu serpent can be characterized as incorruptible, i.e. a demon that cannot be influenced ("charmed").

The Career of the Usumgallu Serpent

After Enki brought the Huluppu tree from the netherworld around 5400 BCE, an Usumgallu serpent was tasked with guarding the tree. This is mentioned in the myth Enki and the World Order.

As an inhabitant of the Huluppu tree, the serpent was connected to the heaven of the gods and the netherworld. He could therefore have worked together with Anzu to decree the fates of humans on behalf of the gods. However, there may also have been a competitive relationship between them. The Myth of Etana confirms that the serpent and the eagle did indeed work together for a time. However, Anzu then betrayed the serpent and killed his young.

In the myth Inanna and the Huluppu tree, Gilgamesh had felled the Huluppu tree. As the serpent had the task of guarding the tree, Gilgamesh had to kill him for this.