The Founder Report

The Founder Report is a channeling report that was created in 2019 during several channeling sessions with an anonymous medium. Although the Founder Report confirms the Founder Hypothesis, as a channeling report it is not to be regarded as scientific proof, but rather as an eyewitness account.

The Founders on their home planet, just as an AI imagines it.

In the Founder Report, the extraterrestrials reveal the history of their culture and the intentions they have on Earth. This website contains only the first part of the Founder Report, which describes the beginnings of their culture around 170 million years ago. The period after that, including their expansion to other planets, is described in detail in Wellmann (2023).

The Origin of the Founders

Around 180 million Earth years ago, on a planet similar to Earth, lived a species that would become known as the Founders. At that time, its members still lived together in large groups like animals and fed on plants. The years passed faster on this planet than on Earth: 100 Founder years correspond to about 85 Earth years.

The cultural rise of the Founders began about 200 million Founder years ago, when the emergence of language and the beginnings of trade established the first civilizations. Some of the Founders came to wealth and power. The bonds of kinship ensured the continuity of their wealth and led them to establish the first trusts. These trusts became large companies with their own laws, whose members inherited their membership from their parents. As the trusts were in competition with each other, they enacted their own laws for their members to ensure their competitiveness. One of the trusts allowed only those members to reproduce who had made a significant contribution to its success, or who had at least reached an old age. This law gave the trust a monopoly position that eventually encompassed all technical areas. The intelligence and ambition of its members grew steadily and their life expectancy also increased. As engineers and mathematicians, they worked in the factories and in research. The members of the trust wanted to become the elite of the planet. The general population, who were not members of the trust, worked in factories and agriculture. For about 100,000 Founder years, they were the consumers who financed the research of the trust. By the end of this era, production in the factories was cheap and highly automated, so the general population was no longer needed as workers or consumers.

Mind-reading and telepathy were among the technical achievements that were made available to the general population at this time. It became clear that the intelligence of the general population had remained roughly constant over the years. The trust therefore regarded them as inferior. The members of the trust no longer wanted to work in the factories and supply the general population with their technology, but wanted to move on to new tasks, such as space exploration.

Since the general population was not intelligent enough to be allowed to reproduce under the trust's laws, the trust denied them the right to exist. It therefore commissioned some of its members to develop a pathogen that caused a deadly sleeping sickness, as well as a vaccine against it, and deliberately released the pathogen into the food chain. The members of the trust were vaccinated, but the pathogen killed more than 99% of the population. The year of the genocide marks the beginning of the Founder's common era, so it can be referred to as Year 0 FCE (Founder's common era).

Shortly after the genocide, the Founders turned to new activities such as space technology and uploading their consciousness to computers, which eventually allowed them to become immortal.


The further chapters are excluded from this online document. They can be found in Wellmann (2023).