Capabilities of the Founders

The Founder Hypothesis states that an advanced extraterrestrial civilization installed its technological infrastructure on Earth several million years ago and used it to guide human evolution on Earth. Its members, the so-called Founders, have uploaded their consciousness to their computing infrastructure and live in a virtual reality that is connected to physical reality via interfaces.

Their technological infrastructure allows the Founders to record and generate electromagnetic signals in the brains of animals and humans and to break unwanted neural connections. If the Founder Hypothesis is correct, then their technology offers them a number of ways to interact with living beings on Earth. These possibilities are explored in more detail below.

Seeing through the eyes of others

Since the Founders can record electromagnetic signals in the brains of animals and humans, they can also record the activity of the neurons in the retina of the eye, which serve as photoreceptors. Using these recordings, the founders can reconstruct exactly what the human or animal is seeing. This allows them to use the eyes of the living beings on Earth like cameras. They will certainly evaluate the recorded films with the help of artificial intelligence, which will allow them to stay informed about developments on the planet at all times.

Telepathic information transmission

The Founders can generate electromagnetic signals in narrowly defined target areas in the brains of living beings. Such signals can be used to transmit information. In this way, they can transmit mental images and spoken sentences. With the help of mental images, they can influence the work of researchers, artists and engineers and increase their creativity without the people realizing that their ideas were not their own.

Through the telepathic transmission of spoken sentences, the Founders can reveal themselves to people and pose as their gods or deceased relatives. In this way, they managed to establish the various world religions and awaken people's belief in life after death.

Mind reading

A person's thoughts are encoded in the pattern of jointly activated neurons. Since the Founders can record these patterns, they can also decode people's thoughts. This allows them to intervene in their thought processes. For example, if a person thinks about a difficult problem for a long time, the Founders may recognize this and solve the problem. They then transmit the solution to the problem back to the person as a mental image, which the person experiences as a flash of insight.

Rewiring human brains

Using the electromagnetic signals that the Founders can transmit to people's brains, they cause neurons to rewire themselves. In this way, they can shape people's personalities and optimize their conscious perceptions, but they can also cause neuronal disturbances. These neuronal disturbances allow the Founders to learn to rewire a person's brain. Their knowledge of the neuronal plasticity of human brains will eventually allow the founders to direct people's interests and take away their free. They may not have sufficient knowledge yet, but in a few decades they will certainly have it.

Omniscence, omnipresence, omnipotence

Omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence are characteristics that are attributed to God. Proof of these three qualities would therefore give the Founders the status of gods.

The Founders are omniscient not only because their civilization has existed for several million years and is far ahead of ours in terms of research, but also because humans cannot hide knowledge from them. Since the Founders can see through human eyes and decipher human thoughts, they have access to all the information that humans have. This information is certainly stored in databases and can be retrieved by them even years later.

The Founders are omnipresent not only because they can visit any place on our planet at the speed of light, but also because any living being can serve as a source of information for them. For example, they can see not only through the eyes of humans, but also through the eyes of animals.

The Founders are omnipotent in the sense that they can perform "miracles". A miracle is an event that cannot be explained by our conventional understanding of physics. Their advanced technology allowed them to perform such miracles, or at least to convince people that they had done so.

Omniscience and omnipresence are symbolized here by an 'ethereal' eye.


Incarnation means the incarnation of a deity, or more precisely, the incarnation of an extraterrestrial being in human form. The human into whom the extraterrestrial incarnates is deprived of the ability to carry out movements during this time. The human's sensory input is transferred to the extraterrestrial and the extraterrestrial gains control over the human's motor neurons. As a result, the extraterrestrial may feel as if he is the human himself. The extraterrestrial thus gains control over all movements and the human loses control.

A distinction is to be made between temporary incarnations and permanent incarnations. In a temporary incarnation, the person deliberately puts themselves into a trance state and allows an extraterrestrial to take over their body during this time. In contrast, a permanent incarnation is carried out without the consent of the person concerned. Human beings would not consent to this, as permanent incarnation involves the erasure of their consciousness. In permanent incarnation, the person's consciousness is therefore permanently replaced by the consciousness of an extraterrestrial.

Incarnation is to be distinguished from schizophrenia, in which no extraterrestrial being incarnates into the human body, although here too there is the symptom of external control.

A god or Founder directs the incarnation of an ethereal being into a human body, just as an AI imagines it.

Manipulation of technical devices

As the Founders can generate electromagnetic signals at any position on Earth, they can also operate touch displays, influence computer programs and ignite explosive gases.